Celebramos el cumpleaños de to@s los Leo de Barcelona!!!


Hola amig@s! Recordar a los que estemos en Barcelona que el viernes 8 del 8 a las 8 celebramos la fiesta de l@s leo y sus amigos, a la que estáis todos invitados y es gratuito. Y luego a las 11 vienen varios grupos, hasta las 3 de la madrugada donde lo pasaremos estupendo en distintos ambientes chill out. Aquí os pongo los dos carteles. ¡Os esperamos!


Nuestra flamante reportera Belén Calvo ya está en su destino (con Nassim Haramein)


carnet press belen calvo1


The 39th Annual SSF-IIIHS Int’l Conference

The Complete List of Confirmed Speakers

Dr. Patch Adams
American physician, social activist, clown, and author

Shams Al Habib
Sufi sacred sound singer

Dr. Robert Alcorn
holistic psychiatrist, shaman, and author of Healing Stories

Dr. Sri Madan Bali
Yoga master

David Barcos
Spanish NLP therapist and accomplished musician

Dr. Fadel Behman
retired oncology researcher & holistic health expert

Sonal Bhatt, MD
Ayurvedic physician & Panchkarma specialist

Dr. Zacciah Blackburn
sacred sound channel & master sound healer

Peter Byberg
intuitive sonic healer

Dr. Raquel Cachafeiro
biological agriculturist, plant morphologist, author of The Apple Tree Spirit

Susan Campbell-Fournel
certified health educator

Juan de Dios Carrascosa
Spanish spiritual healer, Reiki master, and author

Rev. André Chevalier
shaman & medium

Dr. Effie Chow
renowned Qigong Grandmaster energy healer, acupuncturist, and author

Dr. Elizabeth Cosmos
Ama Deus Healing Energy authority

Alex Doman
Advanced Brain Technologies founder; Healing at the Speed of Sound co-author

Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin
Center for Cognitive Enhancement founder/director

Dr. Jose Miguel Gaona
psychiatrist; NDE scholar; researcher in Consciousness & Environment

Dr. Bernard Grimaux
interfaith spiritualist minister

Shaykh Abdul Haqq
Naqshbandi-Sufi leader & scholar

Nassim Haramein
Resonance Project Foundation founder; Quantum Gravity researcher

Dr. Joyce W. Hawkes
biophysicist & author of Resonance: Nine Practices for Harmonious Health and Vitality

Francine Jarry
multi-faceted artist; blends spiritual resources with musical background

Dr. Ibrahim Karim
BioGeometry researcher

Dr. Constant A. Madon
energies researcher

Barbara Mainguy
arts therapist; narrative and energy practitioner

Dr. Olga Mandodari
Vaastu Shastra consultant

Dr. Emily Markides
sociologist; founder of the Int’l Eco-Peace Village in her native Cyprus

Dr. Kyriacos Markides
sociology professor; prolific and popular author

Rev. Jennifer McSween
metaphysical minister; Pathways of Light ministerial counsellor

Dr. Janine Mealhow-Ambrose
minister; Reiki master; composer, pianist, motivational speaker, & author

Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona
psychologist; author of Coyote Medicine, Coyote Healing, and others

Dr. Raymond Moody
psychiatrist and NDE pioneer

Dr. Adhi Moonien Two-Owls
shaman, artist, educator

Dr. Sean David Morton
“America’s Prophet”

Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich
Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun Foundation founder/director

Mayte Padrón
Spanish mystic, teacher, and spiritual healer

Dr. Christine Page
mystical physician; author of seven books, including Frontiers of Health

Dr. Rajiv Parti
author, speaker, mentor, NDE survivor, pain management expert

Hasu Patel
world-class Indian classical sitarist; disciple of Ustad Vilayat Khan Saheb

Paul Perry
documentary filmmaker; author of Evidence of the Afterlife, and more

Dr. Lilly Rahmann
gemologist & Reiki master

Dr. Cairo Rocha
Brazilian-born doctor of Oriental Medicine

Philip Shepherd
author of New Self, New World: Recovering Our Senses in the Twenty-First Century

Freddy Silva
photographer; author of Secrets in the Fields, and First Templar Nation

Serah Shakti Soleil
shamanic sound healer

Dr. Barbara Stone
psychotherapist and author of Invisible Roots

Dr. Mary Swaine
naturopath and multi-therapist

Dr. Elaine Valdov
psychotherapist and former UN DPI/NGO Exec. Comm. chair

Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo
motivational speaker; author; musician; co-parent of brighter tomorrows